why Cavea

The name we have chosen, Cavea Engineering, evokes the context and the intrinsic nature of our activities. In ancient theaters and amphitheaters, the “càvea” was the space designated for spectators, already designed to make the show experience unforgettable. A meaningful name, a romantic suggestion that struck us and that we wanted to make our own, alongside ‘engineering’, a concept that, embracing a wide range of engineering disciplines, includes all activities related to the design, production, and verification of technologies.

Today, we can extend the definition of ‘cavea’ to all those spaces – auditoriums, cinemas, conference rooms, universities, collective spaces – dedicated to dissemination, conferences, and education. We at Cavea Engineering specialize in multimedia design, acoustics, and the automation of seats and tables.

We are convinced that, thanks to technology, spaces can fully express their potential and optimally reach the audience. Because the audience is our first and last customer.

There is a word at the center of Cavea’s daily work. A word that is the heart, the living core that animates and motivates members and collaborators.
The sense, first and last, of our work.
The world is made of relationships and interactions: nothing exists except in relation to something else. In every moment, the world changes, grows, evolves. Everything happens in the blink of an eye. Everything happens through a series of relationships.
We at Cavea are convinced that individuals become such only through relationships. It is not individuals who create relationships, but relationships that create, shape individuals. Making them well-rounded individuals.
That’s why our work on environments, spaces, and places has always been aimed at improving the quality of relationships. Offering an ideal reality capable of fostering quality relationships.

The technique, our knowledge, the studies that we never stop pursuing, have the primary goal of improving the social experience of people. Spectators are at the center of the project. They are our main clients.
Their satisfaction in experiencing the show is the result we aim for.
For an experience to be of quality, one cannot do without the “container,” which not only facilitates consumption but can enhance it. The “content” alone is no longer sufficient.
Numerous sociological and psychological studies testify that the daily well-being of a person is also connected to their relational habitat: it is no coincidence that the idea of Cavea was born in a theater, during a fair of professionals. Without knowing each other, coming in some cases from very distant work experiences, we met and recognized each other. Engineers, architects, communicators. Spectators. Sitting close, welcomed by an environment that invited closeness, we began to talk. The space of learning had become at the same time a space for socialization.
And in that space, welcoming, functional, able to bring us closer, to germinate ideas, to circulate them, our name, Cavea, was also born, indicating, in ancient theaters and amphitheaters, the part reserved for spectators.

Sensory Experience
Sight, touch, and hearing are the elements on which we study, plan, and build solutions and answers.
Environments capable of fostering relationships must be as personalized as possible; each element must add to the others to make the places lively and able to combine efficiency and well-being for everyone.
The senses of those watching the show, listening to the conference, or attending the training course must be valued and stimulated.
The sounds produced by various elements in the environment are as important as visual stimuli. Exposure to light or shade should be a non-random choice. Touching one material rather than another gives different sensations, sometimes even opposite.
For Cavea, the sensory analysis of the environment is always a prelude to the project’s realization.

Sensory Experience.
We at Cavea take care of this.

We at Cavea make the space for spectators an ideal environment for speaking, listening, telling, knowing, learning, allowing them, through automation, multimedia, sensory-based element design, to experience and create relationships at their best.