Infrastructure for multimedia and scenographic design

Our company specializes in the design and implementation of advanced wired and wireless infrastructures supporting multimedia and scenotechnical systems in a wide range of contexts. Our intelligent and cutting-edge engineering solutions successfully extend to venues such as theaters, universities, entertainment spaces, corporate headquarters, control rooms, and military and healthcare applications. What sets us apart is our ability to handle a diversity of signals and protocols including Ethernet, fiber optics, AVoIP, DMX512, SDI, digital audio, analog audio, KNX, DALI, and many others, in a single harmonious ecosystem.

At the core of our approach are central racks, housing connection patch panels and active equipment. These racks act as the central brain, ensuring efficient and reliable management of connections and signal flows. From here, the infrastructure extends to various SCBs (Sound & Communication Boxes) and PLBs (Production Lighting Boxes), providing an intuitive interface for end-users. Our systems not only guarantee maximum audio and visual quality but also offer flexible and scalable management, allowing quick adaptability to the ever-evolving needs of our clients